February 26, 2015

Homeopathic Remedy For Piles

Hemorrhoid & Piles Symptoms Causes Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathic remedy for piles

Piles are otherwise called haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids are large varicose veins (enlarged veins) found around the anus or in the wall of anus. External haemorrhoids develop outside the anal sphincter covered with skin. Internal haemorrhoids are found inside the anal sphincter and covered with mucous membrane.

Hemorrhoid & Piles Symptoms Causes Homeopathy Treatment
Piles tend to occur in middle age and usually after prolonged constipation. Sometimes they are seen during pregnancy. Due to much straining during the act of evacuation the veins of the rectum or anus tend to become swollen and delicate. In these swollen veins, the venous blood is accumulated freely. The walls of these enlarged veins become delicate and thin. The pressure of hard and constipated stool, over these swollen veins, causes the vein to burst and there is sudden bleeding. At this stage the disease is called as bleeding piles or haemorrhoids. Sometimes irritating, corroding diarrhoea may destroy the thin wall of the swollen vein and become the cause of bleeding.

Uncomplicated haemorrhoids are seldom painful, pain is usually caused by a fissure. The main symptom is bleeding, but in first degree haemorrhoids, which never appear at the anus, there is bleeding at the end of defecation. In second degree haemorrhoids, the enlarged veins protrude out of the anus during stool with uncomfortable feeling but returns to its normal position after stooling. At this stage profuse bleeding from the anus may occur. In third degree haemorrhoids, the swollen veins protrude out and remain outside of the anus, require mechanical pressure and push to place them inside the anus. At this stage there is persistent bleeding or loss of blood every day, thus they are removed surgically. In homoeopathy the following medicines, if indicated, are used to cure piles.


CF3X, FP6X, KM3X, KP3X           

Homeopathic Remedy For PilesIn bleeding piles with stitching, burning pains. 

Aconitum napellus 6,30

Bleeding piles. with great restlessness, anxiety and fear of death, great thirst and scanty urine.

Aesculus hippocastanum 30

In blind piles with little haemorrhage, but considerable swelling, rigidity or hardness of anus. Constipation, burning pain in the rectum with a sensation as if the rectum is full of small sticks, splinters, rough stones, great dryness soreness, constriction and fulness of the rectum. It is indicated when haemorrhoids are due to the constipation or constipation is due to the haemorrhoids. Patient has great backache, worse walking and stooping, feels better in cool open air. It acts best when it is alternated with Aloe 30.

Aloe socotrina 30 

Haemorrhoids with constant burning in the rectum, or in haemorrhoidal tumours hanging out of the anus, like bunch of grapes with much bleeding. Heaviness, heat and itching in anus, better washing with cold water. Constant pulsating, throbbing with bearing down pains in rectum, aggravation in morning and evening or after stool. Habitual bleeding piles with heaviness and congestion in rectum, as if rectum is full of faeces, but every time wind passes out with little stool. Haemorrhoids and constipation of old people or of those people who have sedentary habits of sitting on daily work, or who have high living. Bleeding piles after stool with extreme weakness and prostration, feels better in cold air.

Alumina 30

In bleeding piles with hard, dry, knotty stools, even soft stool passes with great straining. Bleeding piles with constipation in old men and women. Haemorrhoids with itching and burning pains in anus, soreness in anus after constipated stool. Pain in back as if beaten. Burning, stinging and itching pain in anus, better washing with cold water, feels better in cool open air.

Ammonium carbonicum 30

Stools difficult, hard and knotty. Haemorrhoids , worse during menses. Itching of anus, haemorrhoids are protruding out, worse after stool, better lying down. Patient has chilliness and yawning, worse in the evening and in cold wet weather.

Apis mellifica 30

Large bleeding piles with protruding varicose veins, burning and stinging pains, great constipation, flow of dark blood from the anus after stools. Patient cannot tolerate any type of warmth but he has no thirst. Urine is scanty.

Arsenicum album 30

In strangulated haemorrhoids, i.e. , the condition of varicose veins or haemorrhoid in which the blood supply has been interrupted by compression or constriction of the blood vessels and such haemorrhoids may develop in the form of a loop inside the rectum. Haemorrhoids burn like fire at night with great pain, better with hot water fomentations. In haemorrhoids of drunkards with inflamed, protruding, bleeding, varicose veins and burning stitching pains, worse when walking and standing, excoriation of anal edges.

Baryta carbonica 30

Constipation with hard, knotty stools, haemorrhoids protrude out on urinating, itching and crawling in rectum. Burning pain with moist discharge from the anus. Bleeding piles in old people with high blood pressure, feels better while walking in open air.

Belladonna 30

Haemorrhoids or piles are sensitive to touch and pressure, worse in walking, motion and jar, he lies and walks with legs apart. Bleeding piles with stinging pain, constriction of the sphincter ani, backache as if it would break. Shuddering and prolapsus of anus during stool. Patient has great thirst, red and hot face and restlessness due to pain in anus.

Calcarea fluorica 30

Bleeding piles due to fissures on varicose veins with itching of anus as from pinworms. Internal blind piles with constipation, backache, pain in calves of legs due to enlarged veins in legs. Hamorrhoids in gouty subjects or blind piles during pregnancy. Feels better in warmth, worse during rest and change of weather.

Capsicum annuum 30

Bleeding piles with burning, stinging, cutting pains in anus during and after stool. Large piles discharging blood or bloody mucus. In blind piles with mucous stool. Burning and smarting in urethra during frequent urination. Piles protruding like grapes, very sensitive and painful to touch. Patient is worse in cold air, feels better in warmth.

Carbo vegetabilis 30

Haemorrhoids in women with itching, burning, smarting anus, of bluish, purplish colour, always discharging moistre from anus. Piles are very sensitive to touch and more painful due to acrid, foul smelling diarrhoea full of wind that passes out from the swollen veins. Feels better in cool open air.

Carduus marianus Ø, 3x

3-5 drops a dose in bleeding piles with prolapsus of rectum or anal walls. Burning pain in anus and rectum during the evacuation of hard, knotty clay coloured stool. Rectal haemorrhage during constipation or soft stool, diarrhoea due to swollen veins or cancer of rectum. Varicose veins and ulcer of rectum associated with asthma, liver diseases, diabetes. Patient is worse moving, walking, stooping and in warm weather. Cures bleeding from rectum with Nux vom 200.

Collinsonia canadensis 30

In chronic painful swollen piles or internal walls of anus with sensation of sharp sticks, or sense of constriction in the rectum. In haemorrhoids due to obstinate constipation with dry stool like balls. In protruding haemorrhoids with sense of weight, and venous engorgement (malposition of veins) in the rectum with aching in anus and hypogastrium. Painful bleeding piles during pregnancy, with itching of anus worse at night. Painful swelling of rectum worse from cold water, touch, better from hot fomentations. Cardiac pain, chest pain, weakness and palpitation of heart due to haemorrhoids, i.e. , oppression, faintness, dyspnoea and dropsical swelling during piles. 

Dioscorea villosa 3, 6, 30

Haemorrhoids with darting pain in old swollen veins, that protrude after stool and look like bunches of grapes or red cherries. Diarrhoea of yellow colour, worse in the morning, patient is better in open air and by pressure. Patient has feeble action of heart due to excessive wind in abdomen, which causes pain in chest with tightness across. Colic in abdomen with hurried desire for stool, pain in hypogastrium.

Dolichos pruriens Ø 6

1-2 drop dose after every 6 hours in bleeding piles, blind piles, due to constipation with intense itching and burning pain in the haemorrhoids. Bleeding of swollen piles after corrosive diarrhoea, worse after eating sour and unripe fruits like mango, apple and grapes, as these fruits cause more acid in loose stools which excoriate the soft walls of swollen veins. Patient has bloated abdomen, swelling of liver, with white stool. Congestion in rectum due to swollen piles. Patient is worse at night (skin itching), from warmth.

Erigeron canadense Ø, 3x 6 

Bleeding piles during expelling of hard, lumpy stool with burning in anus and rectum, torn feeling in anus, stool streaked with blood, after which blood trinkles in drops, of bright red colour. Dysenteric stools with tympanitis and leucorrhoea and copious menses, worse after slightest exertion. In chronic gonorrhoea with painful urination. Fainting after every stool.

Hamamelis virginiana Ø 3x 30

Copious bleeding from piles, soreness, rawness, fulness and burning; weight in anus. There is great weakness, weariness of the back, as if it would break. Pulsation, throbbing pain in anus after the loss of blood. Patient has constipation, frontal headache, restless sleep at night due to pain in muscles and joints of the body. He is worse in warm moist weather.

Hydrastis canadensis 30 

Painful haemorrhoids with fissure of anus, bleeding, burning, smarting in anus after stools. See it under fissure.

Hypericum perforatum 30 

Haemorrhoids bleeding with soreness, tender-ness or very sensitive and painful piles. Pressing pain in rectum radiating up spine and down legs, crampy pain in calves of legs, neuralgic pain in joints, cold hands and pain at the vertex of the head. Patient is worse in cold damp air, cold exposure, by touch and pressure.

Kalium carbonicum 30

Swollen, painful haemorrhoids, with large constipated stools, burning itching in anus, great backache, joint pain, flatulence, weak heavy legs and dyspnoea while walking. Stitches in anus while coughing.

Kalium muriaticum 30

Haemorrhoids or bleeding piles, blood dark, thick, fibrinous, clotted, with constipated stool. Patient has white-coated tongue, indigestion and diarrhoea after fatty food, chronic catarrhal condition of the middle ear, snapping and noises in ear, rheumatic swelling around joints, dry skin, etc.

Lachesis mutus 30

Bleeding piles, haemorrhoids protrude like grapes, very sensitive and painful to touch and pressure. Stitches in swollen piles while coughing, during menses. Stool constipated, constant urging in rectum. Patient sleeps into an aggravation, has pressure and burning on vertex, worse in the sun, from warmth.

Lycopodium clavatum 30

Haemorrhoids are very painful to touch, pressure. Pain and burning heat in anus, pain in the back, constipation, excessive wind in the abdomen, scanty red urine, itching of anus, constriction of anus, stool hard, difficult to pass, etc., are the symptoms while using this drug. Stitches in anus after stool with bleeding piles. Patient likes cool open air.

Millefolium Ø, 3x 6

3-5 drops in half cup of cold water in bleeding piles. Profuse flow of bright red blood with great pain after stool. Painful bleeding piles during pregnancy, with palpitation of heart. Haemorrhages from any part of the body.

Muriaticum acidum

Haemorrhoids are swollen and sensitive to touch, even touch of toilet paper or underwear is painful. Anal itching and prolapsus while urinating. Haemorrhoid during pregnancy, bluish hot with violent stitches, pulse feeble, rapid, and small, intermits every 3-5 beats. Cold extremities during haemorrhage. Patient is worse in damp weather. Tongue ulcerated, gums swollen, with aphthous mouth. Stitching pains in protruding piles, better by hot washing. Patient becomes very weak and debilitated due to loss of blood, legs feel heavy with tottering gait, great thirst, hunger and patient suffers in silence.

Negundium americanum Ø

5-10 drops in cold water after every 3-4 hours in haemorrhoids, swollen piles with engorgement of the rectum and great burning, smarting and itching pains in the rectum after stool.

Psorinum 200

Bleeding piles and vomiting in pregnancy, or be used as intercurrent remedy during treatment of haemorrhoids. It is indicated when there is discharge of large quantity of blood from the rectum, bloody mucous piles or when there is scrofulous history in the family. Patient dreads least cold air, puts warm clothing even in summer.

Sabina Ø 3, 6

2-3 drop dose in haemorrhoids or in bleeding piles with bright red blood, copious bleeding, causing pain in back from sacrum to pubis, great lassitude and heaviness of legs. Haemorrhoids with constipation, sense of fulness in rectum, rush of blood to head and face, arthritic and gouty pains in joints. Patient is worse in warm or hot weather.

Sepia officinalis 30

Bleeding piles due to constipation, large hard stool with feeling of a ball or fulness in rectum, bleeding piles with pressing-down pain in the pelvis, bearing-down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva. Patient has empty gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating, headache with coldness of vertex, better keeping the head warm. Great weakness in small of back due to female troubles and haemorrhoids. Patient is worse in cold air, damp air, better by exercise, pressure, warmth and sleeping.

Sulphur 30,200 

Used as intercurrent remedy in blind or non-bleeding and in swollen bleeding piles, with flow of dark blood, violent bearing-down and burning pains in rectum, lancinating pain extending upward from rectum to abdomen. Haemorrhoids are protruding like grapes with burning, smarting and itching pains, very painful to touch. Constipation, with backache, pelvic congestion, redness of anus, oozing and flatus passing. Feels better in cold open air, worse in warm weather.

Thuja occidentalis 30,200

Be used as intercurrent remedy to cure haemorrhoids with burning pain after stool and on walking, very sensitive to touch, fissure of anus due to constipation, warts around anus. Haemorrhoids, with violent rectal pain, distension and flatulent colic in abdomen. Piles swollen, painful when sitting on hard seat, with stitching and burning pains. Patient is worse at night, warmth of bed, in cold damp weather.