The uterus has got the lining of mucous membrane - called as mucosa or endometrium. This mucosa contains secretary glands, and has an increased supply of blood in the latter parts of menstruation cycle. This blood prepares endometrium for implantation of embryo. If fertilization (fusion of a spermatozoan of man and an ovum of woman to form embryo) does not take place then much of endometrium breaks down and is lost in menstruation in the form of free or clotted blood. If pregnancy is established - endometrium becomes decidua and is shed after child birth. In other words decidua is a thin layer that covers embryo and is shed when pregnancy terminates.
1. Endometritis- inflammation of endometrium. 2. Metritis - inflammation of metrium (uterus). 3. Blockage or obstruction in the blood flow- which may be due to old or recent inflammation, deformity, displacement of the womb, ovaries or fallopian tubes or due to the presence of tumour in the muscles of the womb. 4. Mental disturbances. 5. Due to suppression of menses after exposure of body from cold air or cold water. 6. Dysmenorrhoea due to gout or rheumatism in body. See also types of dysmenorrhoea- for other cuases.
1. Primary (essential) dysmenorrhoea.
Types of Painful period |
It begins with the first menses and has no apparent cause. Apis, Bell, Bry, Cact, Cham, Cim, Colocy, Fernp, Graph, Kali-c, Mag. p, Puls, Senec, Sep, or Turnera may be given.
2. Secondary dysmenorrhoea
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Assessment & Symptoms of Menstruation |
In this type, the painful menstruation is experienced at some stage before the establishment of normal flow. See medicines as given for membranous dysmenorrhoea.
3. Membranous dysmenorrhoea
It is a rare form in which the large pieces of endometrium (mucosa) are shed- due to endometritis- caused after some bacterial infection in the womb, ie., there is physical demage in the menstrual flow with passing of clots of blood. Moreover there is excessive menstrual flow and pain in the lower regions of the back and abdomen. Ars, Bell, Borax, Brom, Calc. ac, Calc. c, Cham, Mag. p, Sul or Vib. op.
4. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea
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Period cramp relief |
There is no obvious organic cause, except some spasm or contraction in the muscle of the womb or due to the deficiency of available calcium in the body. Acon, Bell, Caul, Cham, Cim, Collin, Gets, Graph, Gossy, Mag. m, Mag. p, Nux. v, Puls, Sab, Sep, Senec, Vib. op or Xanth, may be used.
5. Congestive Dysmenorrhoea
It is also called as inflammatory dysmenorrhoea and is due to the inflammation of the pelvic organs ie. swelling of ureter, bladder, vaginal passage, rectum, and due to the inflammation of organs of generation, ie., the swelling of uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes. See also case No. 608. aletris, Berb-v, Caul, Cham, Cim, Con, Cup, Gels, Helon, Kreos, Lyc, Puls, Sab or Sec may be used.
Painful Period Remedies
1. FP6X, CP3X KP3X, NM3X, MP3X
2 grains dose in hot water after every 2-3 minutes in acute dysmenorrhoea of any kind with severe spasm in the lower abdomen, back and down thighs. May be given in alternation with any indicated homoeo medicines as under :
2. Aconite. 6, 30, 200
In dysmenorrhoea due to ovaritis- the swelling of which extended to the adjoining tissues, or dysmenorrhoea in plethoric women (women having excessive fluid ie., blood in the body) after suppression of menses from sudden chill or fright with great restlessness and anxiety.
3. Abroma Augusta-Q
5 drops dose in cold water during painful menses after every 2-4 hours, gives speedy relief from pain in the lower abdomen. Dysmenorrhoea with premature- early, short, scanty or protracted (lengthened) menses, or sometimes long lasting with colicky Pains in lower abdomen before or during menses. Blood is dark, clotted profuse, or scanty pale with vertigo nausea and vomiting. It may be alternated with Asoka Jonosia-Q after every four hours just before one week of the start of the menses.
4. aletris-F. Q
5 drops dose after every 15-30 minutes in cases of premature and profuse menses with clotted blood, crampy pains in hypogastrium, fulness and weight in uterine region, weakness constipation. The patient is fired aft the time due to anaemia or chlorosis. Menses retarded with scanty flow and labour like pains (Bell, Cham, Kali-c help it or follow well).
5. Apis-30
In dysmenorrhoea due to ovaritis, metritis with scanty flow and stinging Pain in the tender swollen uterus or Ovaries- with bearing down pains- menses are suppressed, with heat and throbbing headache in young girls- feels better in cool open air worse in warm air but have 50
6. Asoka Jonosia-Q
For period cramp relief 5 drops after every 10-15 minutes during mensesotherwise thrice daily in menstrual colic, delayed or irregular menses with pain in ovaries before the start of menses, congestive headache, pain in eyeballs, worse during scanty flow, better after free flow and in open air. There is severe pains in the lower abdomen, in the back and down thighs due to scanty and clotted menstruation.
7. Avena-Sat.Q
5-10 drops dose in dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea with nervous headache, burning at the vertex, pain in the occiput during scanty flow- In nervous dysmenorrhoea with nervous exhaustion, weak circulation, paralysed limbs, numbness of extremities hands and lower legs with no strength nervous headache during menses.
8. belladonna-30
In congestive or inflammatory dysmenorrhoea i.e. , painful menses with swelling of right ovary, vaginal passage, cervix and uterus, -causing cutting, dragging and pressing down pains in hypogastrium and vaginal passage- as if everything would pass through it. In spasmodic dysmenorrhoea with some spasm in uterus or cervix-worse walking, and sitting in bending position better rest and by standing or sitting erect, coldness of back, backache- as if it would break. Pressing pains come and go suddenly with thirst colicky crampy pains in stomach and abdomen.
9. Berberis. vul-Q, 6, 30
5 drops dose during painful menses with ovarian neuralgia, too short or too scanty flow attended with labour lac i extending to back down Thighs, Calves of legs- causing faintness, weakness, debility and apathy. Weeping tendency in dysmenorrhoea with bow pains worse motion. Menses scanty, in dark drops with chillines, urination and pain in the lower abdomen due to ovaralgia. Gives good and effective relief when alternated with Cim-30.
10. Borax-6, 30
In Membranous dysmenorrhoea with lobour like or lancinating pain in lower abdomen (i.e. , cutting pain with double edged hie). Menses too soon, too profuse with gripping pain in the lower abdomen or groin region. Gastralgia with eructations, aphthous or ulcerated mouth, white ulcerated spots over tongue and inside lips. Patient is worse during downward motion and in hot weather, during and after menses.
11. Cactus-Q, 3X, 30
3 drops dose during painful menses with low pressure, prostration, weakness and debility, Painful menses cause the patient to weep and cry. Menses dark, thick and pitch like with pressing pain at the vertex, fear of death, due to sensation of constriction in throat, chest-around the heart, food pipe, uterus, rectum and bladder. Great palpitation during and before menses with cold sweat on forehead. Menses too soon too short and cease flowing on lying down. Agonising pains m uterus- worse evening, extending to stomach, ovaries with icy cold hands and feet. Cactus-Q + Crataegus-Q (1:3) 10 drops dose is also given during low blood pressure and painful menses for better results.
12. Calcarea Carb-30
Useful in numerous complaints of menstrual flow with atony of uterus and relaxation of its muscles which causes too early, premature, profuse and protracted (lengthened) menses, worse after every 2 weeks and by least excitement, with flow of light or bright blood. Menses in drops just before 4-7 days of its start, then it becomes profuse and last's long upto 8-10 days with cold damp feet, nocturnal shivering and colicky cutting pains in uterus with pain in hips, back and swelling of breasts. Suits well to women who perspire at night with acidity.
13. Caulophyllum-3X, 6, 30
In spasmodic, neuralgic and congestive dysmenorrhoea with severe pains during first two days, menstrual pains fly in all directions with pain in the back, aching and soreness of lower limbs, vertigo, chilliness and erratic or flying pains in limbs- shifting to other parts after every few minutes. Menses scanty, pale or in light colour, nausea and vomiting of bitter fluid. Intermittent pains in uterus, head, stomach and limbs of the body. After passive (inactive) flow there is an oozing from uterus with groat weakness and trembling of legs and body.
14. Chamomilla-Q, 3X, 30
One drop dose in cold water after every 10 minutes in dysmenorrhoea with labour like pains in uterus, or pressing down pains in lower abdomen, vaginal passage, back, hips and down thighs to legs. During such painful menses, there is flatulence and distention of abdomen thirst, flatulent colic, better hot fomentation. Dysmenorrhoea due to suppressed menses after anger, cold exposure and chilling the body with cold water.
15 Cimicifuga-30
A useful remedy for rheumatic, neuralgic, spasmodic and congestive dysmenorrhoea, with pain in legs, joints and rheumatic pain in muscles of the body. Congestive or inflammatory dysmenorrhoea is due to the inflammation in the uterus, ovaries, cervix or fallopian tubes. Menstrual flow is generally irregular, dark clotted, scanty or copious with-severe spasmodic pains due to uterine contraction. In other words, there are severe pains in the lower abdomen in the back-extending down thighsduring menses along with cramps, bearing down pressure in uterine region. More the flow, more the pains from pelivs to back, hip to hipdown thighs.
16. Cocculus-3X, 6, 30
In dysmenorrhoea with profuse dark clotted and too early, menstruation or spasmodic crampy colicky pains pressing in the uterine region ie., in the lower abdomen, very weakening menstruation with fainting spells, vertigo and numbness of hands and arms. Patient can hardly speak or stand during menses. Menses gushes out in a stream when rims from a scat, or it is irregular, scanty, retarded and painful. Before menses, there is excessive flatulence with fainting feeling in the stomach.
17. Colocynthis-30, 200
In dysmenorrhoea with colicky, crampy, darting i in the uterine region- (lower abdomen)-, causing the patient to bead double, pains are better by pressure and warmth. Painful menses with restlessness, nausea, vomiting and cold feet, pain in left ovary with difficult breathing during menses. Agonising (mental torturing) squeezing pains in the lower abdomen- all ceases on appearance of flow, Menstrual colics with cramps in calves of legs-better by hot fomentations.
18. Cyclamen-6, 30
Dysmenorrhoea in chlorotic women, or due to suoression of menses after cold wet exposure with cold water or chilling the body in rain shower. Menstrual flow is irregular, profuse, black, clotted, early with labour like pains from back to pubes (hairy portion over pubic bone near the sexual organ). Membranous dysmenorrhoea with irregular menstruation, migrain headache, causing blindness, or fiery spots before eyes (ie., flaming or flickering of flames before eyes). There is scsnty flow and contains shreds or small pieces like meat washing with congestive headache, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting. Breasts get swollen after menses.
19. Digitalis-6, 30
Labour like pains in lower abdomen and back before menses then during uterine haemorrhage with great weakness, debility, L.B. P, and coldness of hands and feet.
20. Dulcamara-30
In dysmenorrhoea due to suppression of menses from cold water, cold exposure or chilling the body with cold water baffling at the start of menses. Dysmenorrhoea with blotches or rash on skin, swelling, tenderness and soreness of breasts with great thirst for cold water.
21. Gelsemium-30, 200
In painful scanty, retarded, delayed or suppressed menses-due to cerebral congestion, with neuralgic pain about head and face- flushing of face, spasmodic colic, or labour like pains in uterus m if uterus were being squeezed or pain in the lower abdomen that is extending to back, hips, down thighs and legs. aphonic sore throat with frerquent urination during menses with no or little thirst.
22. Gnaphallum-30
Dysmenorrhoea with scanty and painful menses, weight and fulness in the pelvis, lumbago and numbness in lower part of the back, cramps in calves of legs, gouty pain in joints. Spasmodic or neuralgic dysmenorrhoea- with sciatica like pain extending down leg, colicky pains in abdomen- better during rest worse motion.
23. Gossypium-Q
5- 10 drops dose in painful suppressed, tardy scanty menses with backache and dragging down weight in pelvis, pains in ovaries, morning sickness and nausea. Uneasy feeling during menses with loss of appetite, nausea, and inclination to vomit. Menses are too watery with gastric pain and debility patient is tall, bloodless and has nervous chill. She feels that menstrual flow is about to start but it is not so. Puls-200 one or two doses in alternation with Gossy-Q will make it regular.
24. Hamamelis-Q, 6, 30
3 drops dose in cold water, daring dysmenorrhoea due to ovarian congestion and inflammation or ovarian neuralgia with bearing down pains in the back, lower abdomen extending down legs, sore bruised feeling in whole of the abdomen, fulness of head and rectum, dysentery, haemorrhoids, epistaxis or vicarious bleeding- ie., bleeding from nose and rectum instead of menses. Patient has general, weariness, lassitudeprofuse dark menses with great thirst.
25. Helonias-Q, 3X, 6
2-3 drops dose during painful menses, with dragging and pressing down pains in sacrum or coccyx region. But there are sharp cutting and drawing pains from back to uterus, itching of vagina, sad depressed mood, swelling with soreness and tenderness of breasts, backache, languor, debility, weight and soreness in womb. Menses profuse excessive during menopause, or scanty dark clotted in weak feeble women.
26. Kali. Carb. 30
First menses is difficult and painful with colic stitching and gripping pains in lower abdomen. Delayed pale and scanty menses in young girls with great pain in the back-extending from gluteal (buttock) muscles to down thighs and genitals, weakness in the small of back, pain from hip to hip and in nates (buttocks) better by sitting and pressure. Dysmenorrhoea due to metritis, with oedema of eyes and legs, pain in joints of the body- worse motion and cold air.
27. Kali-phos-30
In painful menses- which are too late, too scanty in weak pale irritable, sensitive, nervous, shyful women and girls. In dark-red, thin, too profuse menses with offensive smell, labour like pains, great thirst, extreme lassitude, depression, nervous exhaustion, yawning, debility, paralytic weakness, pains in the back and legs during menses.
28. Magnesia Phos-30 (For period cramp relief)
In menstrual colic or in membranous, and spasmodic dysmenorrhoea with headache, ovarian neuralgia, and ovaritis worse right side. Menstrual pains radiate from uterus to back-better by hot fomentations and pressure, severe crampy pains over entire pelvis during mensesdark clotted intermittent flow with pain in ovaries and small of back.
29. Millefolium-Q, 3X
2-5 drops dose during membranous painful menstrual cramp with fainting fits, hysterical spasms and convulsions. In vicarious menstruation or in too early, too heavy menstrual bleeding and protracted (lengthened) mensesworse after little exertion, and of bright-red colour.
30. Murex-6, 30
In dysmenorrhoea due to chronic endometritis and displacement of the uterus - enlargement and prolapsus of uterus, patient keeps the legs always crossed due tt pressing down pains in the pelvis. Menses -irregular, profuse, frequent with large clots, pain and soreness in the uterus. Nipples sore and painful during menses or loss of appetite and constipation during menses.
31. Nitric Acid-30
Regularly and Thja-30 or 200 as intercurrent medi-cines, one dose every week for those patients, who possess sycotic constitution and have growth of warts over hands and feet with painful menses everytime.
The menstrual flow is scanty, retarded or too early and profuse, worse in warmth, at night, morning with sweating of body during menses.
32. Pulsatilla-30, 200
In spasmodic and congestive dysmenorrhoea (i.e. uterine congestion and inflammation) with irregular, delayed scanty men-struation in fits and start ie., starts and stops along with shivering and coldness of body, sadness, melancholy, pale face, weeping mood, chilliness coldness of lower legs and feet. Flow of blood is thick dark, clotted, viscous, pale or watery with erratic-shifting pains, fainting, nausea or vomiting during menses. Patient feels difficult breathing in a warm room, in hot sun, with weight and pressure in lower abdomen, cutting pain in OS, gripping crampy pains in uterus-compelling the patient to bend double. Dysmenorrhoea due to suppression of menses from getting feet wet, or chilling the body with cold water or cold drink- when the body is hot, dysmenorrhoea after suppression of menses due to anaemia and chlorosis of young women and girls, with blind or dull vision, nausea, no appetite and thirst, fulness of abdomen, swelling of breasts, diarrhoea, coldness or swelling of feet, headache with heaviness of head. Dysmenorrhoea due to scanty flow of menses, with labour like pains, extending from pelvis to down thighs, legs.
33. Sabina-Q, 3X, 6, 30
2-3 drops dose during neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, spasmodic or congestive dysmenorrhoea with uterine congestion, inflammation, acute or chronic metritis, endometritis with colicky, crampy, labour like or bearing down pains- or uterine pains extend to back sacrum, to pubes and down thighs. Menstrual pains or shooting, cutting pains extend up and down in the vagina or from vagina to lumbar vertebrae-with restlessness and uneasiness- due to stitching pain in vagina. Menses early and profuse, partly clotted and partly fluid, of offensive smell and of bright red colour, worse on motion, menses thin, watery and worse when walking, from warmth, hot sun, better during rest and cool air.
34. Secale Cor. 30
Menstrual colic with coldness and intolerance of heat, passive (inactive) or feeble flow in cachectic (having malnutrition with illhealth) women with emaciation. Burning sensation over skin better by cold, uncovering the body. A sense of great and internal beat of body but extremities are numb and icy cold. Uterine contraction, tearing and cutting pains in the lower abdomen with violent cramps in lower legs, menstrual flow gushes out during uterine contraction, with bearing down pains. Menses irregular, dark, too copious or profuse and too long with great debility, thirst, numbness and coldness of fingers.
35. Sepia-6, 30
Dysmenorrhoea with too early and too scanty menses, bearing down, or labour like pains in the lower abdomen, extending around pelvis, down hips, thighs and legs, or extending to back, sacrum and coccyx- with nervousness, restlessness and sadness. Dysmenorrhoea due to tardy or scanty flow, due to suppression of menses after cerebral congestion (inflammation), chest congestion, with weight and pressure in abdomen, chilliness and coldness in body, constipation, fiery spot before eyes, headache congestive, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting. Acrid leucorrhoea due to metritis, endometritis, between the period, with great backache and pressing down pressure in the vagina-as if everything would pass out of it.
36. Veratrum Alb-3, 6, 30
Dysmenorrhoea with coldness of body, exhausting, profuse and too early menses, faints from least exertion with cramps in legs, arms feel cold, and paralysed with thirst -better in warmth.
37. Viburnum-Op-Q, lX, 3X
2-5 drops dose in spasmodic, neuralgic and mem-branous menstrual cra with too late, too short menses of short durationie., lasting for few hours, cramps in the uterus, hypo-gastrium and down thighs. Bearing down pains before and during menses, shooting pains over ovaries, aching in sacrum and pubes with crampy pains in the interior muscles of the thighs and down legs. Always worse In the early morning, in warm room, better in open air and rest.
38. Xanthoxylum-Q, lX, 3X, 6
In neuralgic dysmenorrhoea or painful menses due to ovarian neuralgia with bearing down pains in the loins and lower abdomen-worse left side-extending down thigh. Menses too early, scanty, retarded and painful with pain in the back and down legs, menses thick and almost black in neurasthenic, thin, emaciated patient, having poor assimilation, occipital headache or sick headache with frequent yawning during day, weight at vertex, or depression due to flatulence.