Showing posts with label congestive heart failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label congestive heart failure. Show all posts

February 25, 2015

Fatty Degeneration Heart Homeopathic Medicine

Fatty Degeneration Heart Homeopathic Medicine

 It is the degeneration of tissues or organs (like liver, kidney and heart) which causes appearance of
Degeneration Heart
fatty droplets in the cytoplasm (a jelly-like living material that surrounds the nucleus of a cell). The deposition of fatty droplets is found especially in the diseases of liver, kidney and heart, then called fatty heart.
 More briefly, fatty degeneration is the deterioration of health of a tissue due to deposition of abnormally large amounts of fat in its cells. It tends to lose its essential nature and function.
 Fatty heart,
 The deposition of large amount of fat in the heart is called fatty heart. This accumulation of fat in the heart or liver may interfere in their functioning. Such deposition may be linked with or result from incorrect diet, excessive alcohol consumption or due to shortage of oxygen in the tissue caused by poor circulation, or by the deficiency of haemoglobin. Delayed and scanty menses become the cause of fatty heart.


Fatty Degeneration HeartThere is nervousness, palpitation and fluttering of heart, with great dyspnoea, weakness and debility. Sometimes there is anxiety, restlessness, weeping mood, sinking feeling, profuse sweating over face and body. Also there is weak, irregular pulse, oedema, vertigo, and palpitation of heart after little exertion. In other cases, there is oppression and anxiety in the heart region. Cardiac pain extends down the left arm, more in old people.

Fatty Degeneration Heart

Homoepathy Medicine

 Abrot, Adon v , Ambra, Arn, Ars, Aur met, Bar c, Calc c, Cact, Carbo v, Crat, Fucus, Graph, Kali c, Kalm, Phos ac, Phyto, Stroph, Vanad, Verat a,

February 24, 2015

Homeopathic Remedies Cardiac Asthma

Homeopathic Treatment Cardiac Asthma

Homeopathic Treatment Cardiac Asthma
Cardiac Asthma occurs in those persons, who are having cardiac diseases, or when blood cells fail to carry away the oxygen from the lungs. In other words, blood in the lungs is not properly oxygenated or when there is lack of oxygenation in the lungs - such persons are said to be suffering from cardiac asthma with symptoms like great weakness, debility prostration, fluttering and palpitation of heart with dyspnoea after little motion or exertion.

Homeopathic Treatment Cardiac Asthma

 (1) Broncho-spasm or narrowing of the bronchi by muscular contraction.
 (2) Chronic or acute bronchitis.
 (3) Broncho-dilation-due to excessive use of allopathic drug" containing-ephedrine, which actually  dilate the bronchial tubes for easy passage of air.
 (4) Emphysema or chronic lingering, suppressed bronchitis or pneumonia in pulmonary emphysema,  the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs are enlarged, inflamed and damaged, which actually reduces the  surface area in the lungs for the exchange of oxygen and carbon - dioxide - gases. Here emphysema  causes breathlessness during chronic bronchitis or asthma.
 (5) Chain smoking and abuse of alcoholic drinks, .
 (6) The other causes or factors responsible for bronchial asthma are:- stress and strain - Producing  digestive problems, heredity and environmental factors etc.


 1. FP6X, CP3X, KP3x, NM3X, KM3X, KS3X, NS3X, 

 2-4 grains dose in cardiac asthma and may be  alternated with any indicated homoeo medicine.

 2. Aconite. 3, 6, 30 

In sudden attacks of bronchitis- after cold exposure, from chilly cold, or from  cold dry weather. Be used at first stage of bronchitis, pneumonia or pneumonitis- (inflammation of  the lung tissue) with dry tickling, hard painful cough, tight chest, anxiety, restlessness, rapid, hurried oppressed difficult breathing better by sitting erect-otherwise feels fear of death. In sudden attacks of bronchitis- after cold exposure, from chilly cold, or from cold dry weather. Be used at first stage of bronchitis, pneumonia or pneumonitis- (inflammation of the lung tissue) with dry tickling, hard painful cough, tight chest, anxiety, restlessness, rapid, hurried oppressed difficult breathing better by sitting erect-otherwise feels fear of death.

 3. Ambra. G. 6, 30

In cardiac asthma with cardiac symptoms - like palpitation and fluttering of heart, especially in nervous, thin scrawny (skelton like) women, difficult short, oppressed breathing, wheezing in the air tubes, and dyspnoea worse after little exertion, excitement. Asthma in children or old people with violent spasmodic cough, pressure in chest followed by eructations, due to much wind in stomach, asthma or asthmatic breathing from coition.

 4. Digitalis-6, 30

 In cardiac asthma havingf eeling of constriction in chest walls, sudden suppression of respiration, great anxiety, restlessness, no heat in body, low B.P.  cold sweating of body, better lying horizontally on bed. Chronic bronchitis with dyspnoea, fainting, sinking, palpitation and fluttering of heart-worse little walking, talking---dueto weak heart, Iceling of great weakness In chest, pulse weak slow, intermittent and is quickened after little movement. Heart would stop beating if he moved a little. Cardiac asthma with dropsical swelling.

 5. Digitalis-6 

In alternation with Convallaria-m. Q, 1X-3X, 5 drops dose after every 10-15 minutes in cardiac asthma with great weakness, debility, palpitation, fluttering of heart, dyspnoea after least exertion, motion, cardiac asthma developed after chain smoking of tobacco. Heart beating throughout the chest along with sensation as if heart has stopped beating and then started suddenly with rapid irregular pulse.

 6. Ibris-Q, 1X, 

5 drops in cardiac asthma with chocking in throat stitches in heart region. Tachycardia, pulse full irregular, intermittent, cardiac dyspnoea, palpitation, vertigo, worse in warm room, by slightest exertion by laughing, talking and coughing. Dropsy, enlarged heart, with soreness, fulness of liver, whole body sore, lame, and tremble. Cardiac debility after influenza, with asthmatic breathing, worse lying on left side.

 7. (i) Ibris- Q + Crataegus-Q + strophonthus-Q or
     (ii) lbris-Q + Crataegus- Q + Sumbul-Q 

In equal ratio, 5-10 drops dose in 3T. Spoons of cold water, after every 15-30 minutes during the attack 2 to 3 times during a day will give quick relief in cardiac asthma or asthmatic attack.

 8. Sumbul. Q IX, 3X, 

5-10 drops dose in luke warm water after every 3(1 minutes, 1-3hours in cardiac asthma with great dyspnoea, difficult breathing, patient gasps for breath after little exertion-motion. Pulse irregular, nervous palpitation with nuralgic pain in the left side of the chest, functional cardiac disorder with numbness, weariness and coldness of limbs and extremities of left side.

 9. Strophanthus-Q , 3X, 6, 

5- 10 drops dose in more acute cases of bronchial or cardiac asthma, be repeated 3 times a day. Patient is having great dyspnoea while ascending heights due to congestion and swelling of lungs, dropsical swelling on the joints. It is greater diuretic and safer for the aged. Be given safely in cardiac asthma of the smokers-drunkards, in arteriosclerosis, I. e, rigid hard arteries of old fat people, can be used in alternation with digitalis-6 in cases of dropsical swelling due to weak heart.

 10. Veratrum. alb. 6, 30, 200, 

In cardiac asthma with weak slow, feeble pulse, palpitation and fluttering of heart after little exertion and motion with cold sweat on face. in cardiac asthma of old people with cold blue face, cold extremities (i.e. , nose., ears, hands and feet) low B. P sinking and fainting of heart. Gastric derangements with loose stools, nausea, retching after meals and white coated tongue.