Homeopathic Medicine For Obesity
Excessive accumulation of fat. Various hormonal disorders are responsible for corpulence. Correction of reason, diet and do exercises, that are must. In other terms, it is a state in which there is a lot amassing of fat in the body.
The breathing becomes puffed, small, and asthmatic, more especially during exertion; the circulation embarrassed; the muscular system feeble and flaccid; the digestive system unbalanced; and a condition of the general structure induced which most inauspiciously Tempt the route and Ending of any disease that may Grow up.Obesity Can Lead To
- Depression.
- Heart
diseases (coronary heart disease).
Breathing disorders (sleep apnea)
- Obstructive pulmonary syndrome.
- Joint
diseases (e.g. osteoarthritis).
- Liver
Homeopathic Treatment
Obesity post-operative or after mechanical abortion
Apis, Arn, Berb v, Calc
ars, Calc fl, Carbo v, Colch, Guaiac, Kali c, Puls, Sep, Sil, Sul, Thuja.
Obesity in children
Ant c, Bar c, Cal c, Caps,
Cham, Ferr m, Kali bi, Puls, Sacchar off.
Obesity with much sweating of body
Aescul, Am c, Cal c, Carbo
v, Cham, Graph, Iod, Kali c, Puls, Sep, Sil, Sul, Thuja.
Obesity with much chilliness
Am c, Calc ars, Calc c,
Caps, Carbo v, Colch, Graph, Kali c, Nux v, Puls, Sil.
Obesity with feeling of great heat in body
Aescul, Ant c, Calop, Carbo
v, Cham, Iod, Phyto, Puls, Sep, Thuja.
Obesity with much hunger
Calc c, Cina, Fucus v,
Graph, Iod, Kali c, Nux v, Phyto, Psori, Sul, Thuja, Thyr.
Obesity with difficult breathing
Am c, Apis, Blatta or, Calc
ars, Calc c, Caps, Carbo v, Ferr m, Kali bi, Kali c, Lob inf, Nat s, Nux v, Phyto, Puls, Sul.
Biochemic Treatment
CF3X, NP3X, NS3X, Sil 12X.