February 26, 2015

Homeopathic Remedy For Piles

Hemorrhoid & Piles Symptoms Causes Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathic remedy for piles

Piles are otherwise called haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids are large varicose veins (enlarged veins) found around the anus or in the wall of anus. External haemorrhoids develop outside the anal sphincter covered with skin. Internal haemorrhoids are found inside the anal sphincter and covered with mucous membrane.

Hemorrhoid & Piles Symptoms Causes Homeopathy Treatment
Piles tend to occur in middle age and usually after prolonged constipation. Sometimes they are seen during pregnancy. Due to much straining during the act of evacuation the veins of the rectum or anus tend to become swollen and delicate. In these swollen veins, the venous blood is accumulated freely. The walls of these enlarged veins become delicate and thin. The pressure of hard and constipated stool, over these swollen veins, causes the vein to burst and there is sudden bleeding. At this stage the disease is called as bleeding piles or haemorrhoids. Sometimes irritating, corroding diarrhoea may destroy the thin wall of the swollen vein and become the cause of bleeding.

Uncomplicated haemorrhoids are seldom painful, pain is usually caused by a fissure. The main symptom is bleeding, but in first degree haemorrhoids, which never appear at the anus, there is bleeding at the end of defecation. In second degree haemorrhoids, the enlarged veins protrude out of the anus during stool with uncomfortable feeling but returns to its normal position after stooling. At this stage profuse bleeding from the anus may occur. In third degree haemorrhoids, the swollen veins protrude out and remain outside of the anus, require mechanical pressure and push to place them inside the anus. At this stage there is persistent bleeding or loss of blood every day, thus they are removed surgically. In homoeopathy the following medicines, if indicated, are used to cure piles.


CF3X, FP6X, KM3X, KP3X           

Homeopathic Remedy For PilesIn bleeding piles with stitching, burning pains. 

Aconitum napellus 6,30

Bleeding piles. with great restlessness, anxiety and fear of death, great thirst and scanty urine.

Aesculus hippocastanum 30

In blind piles with little haemorrhage, but considerable swelling, rigidity or hardness of anus. Constipation, burning pain in the rectum with a sensation as if the rectum is full of small sticks, splinters, rough stones, great dryness soreness, constriction and fulness of the rectum. It is indicated when haemorrhoids are due to the constipation or constipation is due to the haemorrhoids. Patient has great backache, worse walking and stooping, feels better in cool open air. It acts best when it is alternated with Aloe 30.

Aloe socotrina 30 

Haemorrhoids with constant burning in the rectum, or in haemorrhoidal tumours hanging out of the anus, like bunch of grapes with much bleeding. Heaviness, heat and itching in anus, better washing with cold water. Constant pulsating, throbbing with bearing down pains in rectum, aggravation in morning and evening or after stool. Habitual bleeding piles with heaviness and congestion in rectum, as if rectum is full of faeces, but every time wind passes out with little stool. Haemorrhoids and constipation of old people or of those people who have sedentary habits of sitting on daily work, or who have high living. Bleeding piles after stool with extreme weakness and prostration, feels better in cold air.

Alumina 30

In bleeding piles with hard, dry, knotty stools, even soft stool passes with great straining. Bleeding piles with constipation in old men and women. Haemorrhoids with itching and burning pains in anus, soreness in anus after constipated stool. Pain in back as if beaten. Burning, stinging and itching pain in anus, better washing with cold water, feels better in cool open air.

Ammonium carbonicum 30

Stools difficult, hard and knotty. Haemorrhoids , worse during menses. Itching of anus, haemorrhoids are protruding out, worse after stool, better lying down. Patient has chilliness and yawning, worse in the evening and in cold wet weather.

Apis mellifica 30

Large bleeding piles with protruding varicose veins, burning and stinging pains, great constipation, flow of dark blood from the anus after stools. Patient cannot tolerate any type of warmth but he has no thirst. Urine is scanty.

Arsenicum album 30

In strangulated haemorrhoids, i.e. , the condition of varicose veins or haemorrhoid in which the blood supply has been interrupted by compression or constriction of the blood vessels and such haemorrhoids may develop in the form of a loop inside the rectum. Haemorrhoids burn like fire at night with great pain, better with hot water fomentations. In haemorrhoids of drunkards with inflamed, protruding, bleeding, varicose veins and burning stitching pains, worse when walking and standing, excoriation of anal edges.

Baryta carbonica 30

Constipation with hard, knotty stools, haemorrhoids protrude out on urinating, itching and crawling in rectum. Burning pain with moist discharge from the anus. Bleeding piles in old people with high blood pressure, feels better while walking in open air.

Belladonna 30

Haemorrhoids or piles are sensitive to touch and pressure, worse in walking, motion and jar, he lies and walks with legs apart. Bleeding piles with stinging pain, constriction of the sphincter ani, backache as if it would break. Shuddering and prolapsus of anus during stool. Patient has great thirst, red and hot face and restlessness due to pain in anus.

Calcarea fluorica 30

Bleeding piles due to fissures on varicose veins with itching of anus as from pinworms. Internal blind piles with constipation, backache, pain in calves of legs due to enlarged veins in legs. Hamorrhoids in gouty subjects or blind piles during pregnancy. Feels better in warmth, worse during rest and change of weather.

Capsicum annuum 30

Bleeding piles with burning, stinging, cutting pains in anus during and after stool. Large piles discharging blood or bloody mucus. In blind piles with mucous stool. Burning and smarting in urethra during frequent urination. Piles protruding like grapes, very sensitive and painful to touch. Patient is worse in cold air, feels better in warmth.

Carbo vegetabilis 30

Haemorrhoids in women with itching, burning, smarting anus, of bluish, purplish colour, always discharging moistre from anus. Piles are very sensitive to touch and more painful due to acrid, foul smelling diarrhoea full of wind that passes out from the swollen veins. Feels better in cool open air.

Carduus marianus Ø, 3x

3-5 drops a dose in bleeding piles with prolapsus of rectum or anal walls. Burning pain in anus and rectum during the evacuation of hard, knotty clay coloured stool. Rectal haemorrhage during constipation or soft stool, diarrhoea due to swollen veins or cancer of rectum. Varicose veins and ulcer of rectum associated with asthma, liver diseases, diabetes. Patient is worse moving, walking, stooping and in warm weather. Cures bleeding from rectum with Nux vom 200.

Collinsonia canadensis 30

In chronic painful swollen piles or internal walls of anus with sensation of sharp sticks, or sense of constriction in the rectum. In haemorrhoids due to obstinate constipation with dry stool like balls. In protruding haemorrhoids with sense of weight, and venous engorgement (malposition of veins) in the rectum with aching in anus and hypogastrium. Painful bleeding piles during pregnancy, with itching of anus worse at night. Painful swelling of rectum worse from cold water, touch, better from hot fomentations. Cardiac pain, chest pain, weakness and palpitation of heart due to haemorrhoids, i.e. , oppression, faintness, dyspnoea and dropsical swelling during piles. 

Dioscorea villosa 3, 6, 30

Haemorrhoids with darting pain in old swollen veins, that protrude after stool and look like bunches of grapes or red cherries. Diarrhoea of yellow colour, worse in the morning, patient is better in open air and by pressure. Patient has feeble action of heart due to excessive wind in abdomen, which causes pain in chest with tightness across. Colic in abdomen with hurried desire for stool, pain in hypogastrium.

Dolichos pruriens Ø 6

1-2 drop dose after every 6 hours in bleeding piles, blind piles, due to constipation with intense itching and burning pain in the haemorrhoids. Bleeding of swollen piles after corrosive diarrhoea, worse after eating sour and unripe fruits like mango, apple and grapes, as these fruits cause more acid in loose stools which excoriate the soft walls of swollen veins. Patient has bloated abdomen, swelling of liver, with white stool. Congestion in rectum due to swollen piles. Patient is worse at night (skin itching), from warmth.

Erigeron canadense Ø, 3x 6 

Bleeding piles during expelling of hard, lumpy stool with burning in anus and rectum, torn feeling in anus, stool streaked with blood, after which blood trinkles in drops, of bright red colour. Dysenteric stools with tympanitis and leucorrhoea and copious menses, worse after slightest exertion. In chronic gonorrhoea with painful urination. Fainting after every stool.

Hamamelis virginiana Ø 3x 30

Copious bleeding from piles, soreness, rawness, fulness and burning; weight in anus. There is great weakness, weariness of the back, as if it would break. Pulsation, throbbing pain in anus after the loss of blood. Patient has constipation, frontal headache, restless sleep at night due to pain in muscles and joints of the body. He is worse in warm moist weather.

Hydrastis canadensis 30 

Painful haemorrhoids with fissure of anus, bleeding, burning, smarting in anus after stools. See it under fissure.

Hypericum perforatum 30 

Haemorrhoids bleeding with soreness, tender-ness or very sensitive and painful piles. Pressing pain in rectum radiating up spine and down legs, crampy pain in calves of legs, neuralgic pain in joints, cold hands and pain at the vertex of the head. Patient is worse in cold damp air, cold exposure, by touch and pressure.

Kalium carbonicum 30

Swollen, painful haemorrhoids, with large constipated stools, burning itching in anus, great backache, joint pain, flatulence, weak heavy legs and dyspnoea while walking. Stitches in anus while coughing.

Kalium muriaticum 30

Haemorrhoids or bleeding piles, blood dark, thick, fibrinous, clotted, with constipated stool. Patient has white-coated tongue, indigestion and diarrhoea after fatty food, chronic catarrhal condition of the middle ear, snapping and noises in ear, rheumatic swelling around joints, dry skin, etc.

Lachesis mutus 30

Bleeding piles, haemorrhoids protrude like grapes, very sensitive and painful to touch and pressure. Stitches in swollen piles while coughing, during menses. Stool constipated, constant urging in rectum. Patient sleeps into an aggravation, has pressure and burning on vertex, worse in the sun, from warmth.

Lycopodium clavatum 30

Haemorrhoids are very painful to touch, pressure. Pain and burning heat in anus, pain in the back, constipation, excessive wind in the abdomen, scanty red urine, itching of anus, constriction of anus, stool hard, difficult to pass, etc., are the symptoms while using this drug. Stitches in anus after stool with bleeding piles. Patient likes cool open air.

Millefolium Ø, 3x 6

3-5 drops in half cup of cold water in bleeding piles. Profuse flow of bright red blood with great pain after stool. Painful bleeding piles during pregnancy, with palpitation of heart. Haemorrhages from any part of the body.

Muriaticum acidum

Haemorrhoids are swollen and sensitive to touch, even touch of toilet paper or underwear is painful. Anal itching and prolapsus while urinating. Haemorrhoid during pregnancy, bluish hot with violent stitches, pulse feeble, rapid, and small, intermits every 3-5 beats. Cold extremities during haemorrhage. Patient is worse in damp weather. Tongue ulcerated, gums swollen, with aphthous mouth. Stitching pains in protruding piles, better by hot washing. Patient becomes very weak and debilitated due to loss of blood, legs feel heavy with tottering gait, great thirst, hunger and patient suffers in silence.

Negundium americanum Ø

5-10 drops in cold water after every 3-4 hours in haemorrhoids, swollen piles with engorgement of the rectum and great burning, smarting and itching pains in the rectum after stool.

Psorinum 200

Bleeding piles and vomiting in pregnancy, or be used as intercurrent remedy during treatment of haemorrhoids. It is indicated when there is discharge of large quantity of blood from the rectum, bloody mucous piles or when there is scrofulous history in the family. Patient dreads least cold air, puts warm clothing even in summer.

Sabina Ø 3, 6

2-3 drop dose in haemorrhoids or in bleeding piles with bright red blood, copious bleeding, causing pain in back from sacrum to pubis, great lassitude and heaviness of legs. Haemorrhoids with constipation, sense of fulness in rectum, rush of blood to head and face, arthritic and gouty pains in joints. Patient is worse in warm or hot weather.

Sepia officinalis 30

Bleeding piles due to constipation, large hard stool with feeling of a ball or fulness in rectum, bleeding piles with pressing-down pain in the pelvis, bearing-down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva. Patient has empty gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating, headache with coldness of vertex, better keeping the head warm. Great weakness in small of back due to female troubles and haemorrhoids. Patient is worse in cold air, damp air, better by exercise, pressure, warmth and sleeping.

Sulphur 30,200 

Used as intercurrent remedy in blind or non-bleeding and in swollen bleeding piles, with flow of dark blood, violent bearing-down and burning pains in rectum, lancinating pain extending upward from rectum to abdomen. Haemorrhoids are protruding like grapes with burning, smarting and itching pains, very painful to touch. Constipation, with backache, pelvic congestion, redness of anus, oozing and flatus passing. Feels better in cold open air, worse in warm weather.

Thuja occidentalis 30,200

Be used as intercurrent remedy to cure haemorrhoids with burning pain after stool and on walking, very sensitive to touch, fissure of anus due to constipation, warts around anus. Haemorrhoids, with violent rectal pain, distension and flatulent colic in abdomen. Piles swollen, painful when sitting on hard seat, with stitching and burning pains. Patient is worse at night, warmth of bed, in cold damp weather.

February 25, 2015

Tumor Treatment In Homeopathy

 Tumor Treatment In Homeopathy

One of the privileged fields of action of homeopathic remedies is in endocrine pathology, especially in the female system.

A woman who discovers a growth in the breast will live with the continuous anxiety of cancer.

A close examination of the clinical and radiological symptoms will allow the correct homeopathic diagnosis to be made.

The correct homeopathic remedy will treat most benign tumors.

Hormonal dysregulation is part of the general reactive mode evolution of breast growths and the patient will need a background treatment.

Tumor Treatment In Homeopathy


Non-malignant Cysts: 

Apis, Apoc., Ars., Sil.; 

Ovarian tumors

 Apis, Apoc., Ars., Calc., Carb. an., Coloc., Kali br., Lach., Pod., Plat.; 


Arn., Con.;


Bell., Calc., Graph., Sil.; 


Bar., Bry., Con., Iod., Lap. alb., Phyt., Sil., Sulph.; 


Calc., Calc. phos., Teucr., Sil.;


Agar., Bar., Calc., Croc., Graph., Lap. alb., Phos., Phyt.; 


 Bell., Calc., Con., Sil.; 


Acet. ac.

Semi-malignant Fibroid: 

Bry., Con., Led., Sil.; enchondroma: Sil.; epulis: Sil.; lupus: Ars., Ars. iod., Sil.; epithelioma: Acet. ac., Aur., Carb. an., Con., Hydrast., Kreos., Sil.; lymphoma: Ars., Phos.

Malignant scirrhus: 

Acet. ac., Arn., Ars. iod., Brom., Carb. an., Carbol. ac., Con., Gal., Hydrast., Lap. alb., Merc. aur., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sil. 


Ars., Ars. iod., Bell., Calc., Carbol. ac., Croc., Gal., Hydrast., Kali hydr., Lach., Nitr. ac., Phos., Sil., Thuj; 


 Phos., Sang.; 


 Hydrast., Carbol. ac., Phos.; 

Fungus haematodes:

 Ars., Phos., Sil., Staph., Sep., Carb. v., Nitr. ac., Thuj.; 

Medullary fungus:

 Carb. an., Nitr. ac., Phos., Sil., Thuj.

Fatty Degeneration Heart Homeopathic Medicine

Fatty Degeneration Heart Homeopathic Medicine

 It is the degeneration of tissues or organs (like liver, kidney and heart) which causes appearance of
Degeneration Heart
fatty droplets in the cytoplasm (a jelly-like living material that surrounds the nucleus of a cell). The deposition of fatty droplets is found especially in the diseases of liver, kidney and heart, then called fatty heart.
 More briefly, fatty degeneration is the deterioration of health of a tissue due to deposition of abnormally large amounts of fat in its cells. It tends to lose its essential nature and function.
 Fatty heart,
 The deposition of large amount of fat in the heart is called fatty heart. This accumulation of fat in the heart or liver may interfere in their functioning. Such deposition may be linked with or result from incorrect diet, excessive alcohol consumption or due to shortage of oxygen in the tissue caused by poor circulation, or by the deficiency of haemoglobin. Delayed and scanty menses become the cause of fatty heart.


Fatty Degeneration HeartThere is nervousness, palpitation and fluttering of heart, with great dyspnoea, weakness and debility. Sometimes there is anxiety, restlessness, weeping mood, sinking feeling, profuse sweating over face and body. Also there is weak, irregular pulse, oedema, vertigo, and palpitation of heart after little exertion. In other cases, there is oppression and anxiety in the heart region. Cardiac pain extends down the left arm, more in old people.

Fatty Degeneration Heart

Homoepathy Medicine

 Abrot, Adon v , Ambra, Arn, Ars, Aur met, Bar c, Calc c, Cact, Carbo v, Crat, Fucus, Graph, Kali c, Kalm, Phos ac, Phyto, Stroph, Vanad, Verat a,

Fatty Liver Treatment In Homeopathy

Fatty Liver Treatment In Homeopathy

Fatty Liver Treatment In Homeopathy
Fatty liver or steatosis of the liver is the condition of the liver in which fat in excess is accumulated in the liver. The term fatty liver includes two meanings, i.e. , fatty degeneration and fatty infiltration. In fatty degeneration (as said above in fatty heart), there is destruction of the normal protoplasm (the material of which living cells are made, includes cytoplasm and neucleus) and there is a replacement by fat. In fatty infiltration, there is an increased amount of fat in the liver. 


 Increase of fat in the liver is due to improper milk diet in infants or due to excess of carbohydrates in both infants and adults. 2. General obesity caused by excessive drinking of bear, alcohol, rest after every meals, imperfect oxidation of blood due lack of exercise. 3. Due to diseased lungs, chlorosis, pernicious anaemia and other toxaemia or blood poisoning by bacterial infection causing destruction or damage to a tissue. Thus, fatty degeneration of the liver is the disease in which liver tends to lose its essential nature and function due to the deposition or accumulation of fatty droplets.

Fatty Liver Treatment In Homeopathy

 1. There is a loss of appetite, nausea, gas, vomiting, fulness in the right hypochondrium (the upper lateral region of the abdomen below the right lower ribs). 
 2. In some cases there is enlargement or increased size of the liver, which feels smooth, hard and doughy when slightly pressed with hand.
 3. There is palpitation of heart, diarrhoea alternating with constipation.
 4. When kidneys are involved, we have scanty high-coloured urine containing albumin, fat, oil cells, and seldom crystals of cholesterol.
 5. If heart is involved, then there is a weak, irregular pulse, with oedema and general anasarca.
 6. The history of the patient-type of food he took in the past, i.e. , excessive butter, fat, etc.-helps in the diagnosis of fatty liver or fatty degeneration of the liver.


Aescul, Ars, Aur m, Berb v, Bry, Carbo v, Card m, Chel, China, Chionanth, Dig, Dolich (Mucuna), Hydrast, Iris v, Kali bi, Kali c, Kali m, Lach, Lept, Lyc, Mag m, Merc s, Nat p, Nat s, Nux v, Pod, Sel, Senna, Sep, Sul.

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer Cure Homeopathy Medicine

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer Cure Homeopathy Medicine


Homeopathic Remedies \
 Cancer is a general term which covers many malignant in various parts of the body- the cause of which is not known. This growth purpose- less and parasitic i.e. , cancerous parasites obtain their food and shelter from the same tissue in which they develop). In other words when a normal cell of any tissue in the body develops cancerous nature and growth then it loses its original function and structure. This fully developed Cancer cell continues to multiply slowly or rapidly by destroying the original Cells of that tissue with their function and finally converting the whole tissue into cancerous tissue.

 Later on, the cancer poison gets into blood, passes on to other organs of the body- that too stop functioning, degenerate- under the infection of cancer poison- with the result, life ends with agony and pain.


 1. Carcinoma. Refers to malignant tumour of skin, of mucous membrane, , epithelia] and glandular tissues.        
Homeopathic Remedies For Cancer

 2. Epithelioma- a malignant growth or tumour arising in epithelial tissueusually the skin.

 3. Sarcoma refers to malignant tumour of connective tissue- for example (i) Pigmented areas around nipple of the breasts, (2) fibrous tumour of uterusis called fibriod or fibroid tumour and (3) of fatty tissue, lymphoid tissue, bone and cartilages- etc. belong to the group of connective tissue.

 4. Scirrhus Scirrhus is a growth in the connective tissue- which is indurated-hard and resembles like a tumour. Scirrhus is a type of Carcinoma of the breast. It is also spelt as scirrhous.

 5. Blood Cancer. arises after the presence and increase in the number of cancer cells in the blood- by destroying the Original valuable R.B. C. in the blood.

 6. Colloid Cancer. It develops most probably in the same way as it is seen in the development ofcolloid goiter. Colloid goiter is the abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland due to accumulation of viscid fluid in it. Similarly Colloid cancer, which is generally seen in the pit of stomach, is due to the accumulation of viscid fluid in one of the secretory glands in stomach.

 7. Occult Cancer. refers to a malignant tumour in any part of the body, which is not visible to the naked eye. It remains hidden till its complete development, or upto the time- when internal part of the body is operated by some surgeon for other ailments.

 8. Osteoma or Osteosarcoma Osteoma is a tumour growing from a boneand is called as a bony tumour- which may be hard and compact or cancellous. It may be single or multiple.


 The growth of cancer may take place in various parts or organs of the body. It is named after the name of organ in which it develops- For example In brain it is called as brain cancer, it may also develop in breasts, lungs, stomach, mouth, throat, tongue, intestines, fiver cervix or in the tissue under the skin.


 1. Anxiety and worry- cause weak body with weak vital force.

 2. Living a luxurious fife with excessive use of alcoholic drinks, tobacco, tea and coffee.

 3. the use of highest quality of heroin, sumach or brown sugar by the addicted persons.

 4. Meat eating during the developmental stage of cancer- eating of meat accelerates the rapid growth of cancer in the body.

Signs, Symptoms of Cancer 

 1. Vital force is weakened and reduced in the body.

 2. Recurring growth after its removal.

 3. Cancer causes local destruction of the tissues of the body- as cancer cells are transmitted from one part to other part of the body- usually by blood or lymph (this process is called metastasis- i.e. , transference of disease from one part to other part of the body). Then thereafter cause toxaemia (a blood poisoning caused by the products of bacteria or by damaged tissue).

 4. Pulse weak normal or fufi.

 5. Progressive loss in weight, weakness of muscles of the body with defective digestion. Poor assimilation, poor nutrition (poor reception ie. poor receiving and poor utilization of food material by the living organs of the body for the growth and repair of worn-out tissues) with white coated tongue.

 6. Constipation or irregular bowels- diarrhoea alternation constipation.

 7. Yellow spots before eyes- when the eyes are pure white.

 8. There are watery discharges from breasts, uterus, rectum, mouth, some times there is bloody discharge- profuse and continuous- due to the cancer of uterus, rectum, intestines, mouth, or breasts.


 As per experience of mine, gained in some cases of cancer, the following techniques are high-lighted for the palliativa cure of cancer:

 1. Minimum dose and lower potency ie., 3X, 6X, etc. should be used in all Cases of cancer, because cancer has stitching burning pains in the affected tissue and if indicated medicine is used in high potency then medicinal aggravation would cause more burning and stitching pains in the part affected with cancer.

 2. Minimum dose frequently be used after short intervals.

 3. Carcinosin, 200 one dose be given during relief in the pain of cancer.

 4. Animal food, ie. meat egg and fish should be avoided in cases of cancer.

 A. Cures for Cancer of Breast (scirrhus is a hard carcinoma-i.e. , another name for cancer of breast) Ars, Bell, diluted calendula-Q for external use, Carbo-an, Carbom, Carcinos, Con, Hydrast, Phyto, Scirrhinum, Sil.

 B. -For Cancer of mouth Alumen, Ars, Aurum, Carbo-an, Condur, Con, Hydrast, Lach, Phyto, Sep, Sit.

 C. Cancer of Stomach Acetic, Ars, Ars. iod, Bell, Bism, Carbo-an, Carbov, Con, Candur, Hydrast, Kireos, Lach, Lyc, Ornithog, Sep, Sil.

 D. Cancer of bowels or rectum Alumen, Apis, Ars, Bell, Carbo-an, Condur, Graph, Hydrast, Krcos, Lach, Phos-ac, Sep, Sil, Thuja.

 E. Cancer of uterus-cervix Apis, Ars, Ars, iod, Bell, Calc-c, China, Con, Graph, Hydrast, Kreos, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Nat. m, Nit. ac, Phyto, Sep, Sil.

 F. Cancer of bones or Cancerous caries of bones Aurum. iod, CalcAl, Con, Heckla, Ruta, Sil, Symphy.

 External treatment to relieve the pain of cancer

 1. Phytolacca-Q in pura vaseline for external use on cancer of breast, be mixed in 1:3 ratio.

 2. Thuja-Q in pure vaseline- for external use on cancer in 'he rectum or in the vaginal passage.

 3. Hydras-Q for external use in cancer of rectum.

 4. Calendula-Q diluted with water for external use on cancer of breast.

 Internal treatment or palliative relief and cure 

 1. FP6X, CF3X, KM3X, Sil. 12X

 In cancer of breasts and rectum, or in Osteomacancer of bone. 

 2. Acetic acid 30

 In Scirrhus of pylorus and cancer of stomach with ulcerative gnawing pain at one spot 
in stomach, intense and constant thirst, diabetes, copious pale urine, marked debility and profuse sweating of body. Burning pain in stomach with vomiting after meals of yellow and blood containing fluid.

 3. Apis-30

In cancer of ovaries, breasts, scirrhus or open cancer of breast, mastitis with stinging and burning pains thirst-lessness and loss of appetite, weak fainting feeling in epigastrium with burning during urinationurine of high colour.

 5. Arsenicum:30

In Epithelioma, with ulceration and thin, bloody, offensive discharge ` -m burning pains and sensitive to cold air. In cancer of stomach with extreme weakness, prostration exhaustion excessive thirst burning pain and anxiety in the stomach, better by hot food, vomiting of cold drinks and food taken. In cancer of uterus with burning pain in uterus and shooting, stinging pain in the upper abdomen, aggravation by motion, acrid, corroding, burning, dark- discharges, of offensive smell, rapid emaciation, dryness of skin with pernicious anaemia.

 6. Asterias-rub-6

In cancer of left breast with great swelling and induration, Cancer of breast in ulcerative stage, with- stitching lancinating pains worse at night, with numbness of hands and fingers of left side. Axillary glands indurated, swollen and knotted.

 7. Aurum. met. 6, 30

In cancer of nose and lip, tongue swollen with scirrhus like hardness, ulcers on tongue with foul breath. Induration of uterus with shooting, drawing bruise like pains. Increased blood pressure, disgusted with life, rapid questioning without waiting for reply.

 8. belladonna-6, 30

Scirrhus indurations, cancerous ulcers, burning pain when touched, black crusts of blood at the botton of ulcer, scanty pus, in uterus cancer at beginning stage, with bearing down pains in back, down pelvis and thighs, with blood discharge, and ovarian swelling.

 9. Bismith-6

Cancer of stomach, with burning, stinging, crampy pains, vomits as soon as food reaches the stomach, even water is vomitted as it reaches stomach, vomits all foods, gets relief after vomiting, then again eats for several days then again vomits which continues for whole day, vomits only at intervals of days. Gastralgia, pain from stomach to spine. Tongue coated white, sweetish or metallic taste.

 10. Bufo-30

It is palliative remedy in the cure of cancer of mammae, uterus with cutting pains in uterus, profuse, too early and clotted menes. Patient is worse by occult cancer (a cancer which is hidden and is not visible to the naked eye).

 11. Calcarea-fluor-6X or 30

In hard indurated knotty or stony hard tumours of eye lids, mammae and anal edges, developed after continuous bruised CIfects. Also in cancer of rectum with fissure of anus.

 12. Carbo-an, 6.30

In scirrhus cancer in the breasts or in colloid cancer in the Pit of the stomach with pain deep on inspiration, clutching and gripping Pains in stomach, violent pressing pain in loins- (small of back) during Inenses with weakness, chilliness and empty gone feeling in the pit of stomach. It checks the putrid taste, water-brash, contracting, spasmodic , Ind burning pains in the effected part. In scirrhous cancer with dirty bluish loose skin or with red spots. Burning pain in hard indurated axillary glandsin the armpit. Patient is worse in the evening and in the bed at Right.

 13. Carcinosin-200

Be used in all the cases of cancer as inter-current remedy when no relief in pain is achieved, further improvement is checked, Or in cancer of breasts uterus with offensive discharge, haemorrhage. Patient also suffers from indigestion, excessive wind in stomach- bowels with rheumatism and cancerous cachexia. It is also used when there is cancerous history in the family.

 14. Chimaphilla-3X, 6

In cancer of breast or hard tumour and in the open cancer, i.e.  in cancer with ulceration, sloughing that discharges foetid pus. In painful tumour of mammae in young and unmarried girls, in old people with prostatic enlargement.

 15. Chelidonium - 30

In old spreading carcinomatous ulcer with discharge of foetid pus, wilted, sallow cold clammy skin along with whitish yellow coated tongue having imprints of teeth at its edges- Gnawing pain in stomach- better by eating.

 16. Clematis-6, 30

In cancer or tumour of breasts with glandular induration in armpit. Stitching lancinating pain in the tumour- increases during full moon and breathing. Painful urination with induration of testis. Patient is better in open air, worse at night, from warmth of the bed.

 17. Conium-30

In cancer of lip, mouth, mammae, stomach with cancerous swelling and induration of glands. In cancer of face, lips, mouth with bleeding ulcer of spreading nature- worse after contusion. In cancer of stomach with contracting and spasmodic pains extending from pit of stomach to back and shoulders. Swelling and induration of pyloric region with hardness of upper abdomen. In cancer of uterus with enlargement of ovaries.
 Womb having lancinating burning stinging darting pains in neck of uterus along with profuse excoriating leucorrhoea. In scirrhus cancer with swelling and heaviness of breast, induration of axillary glands and sharp shooting pains in breast. Cancer or tumour of breast-worse after the effect of contusion. In occult or concealed cancer of bones- worse after bruise of bone. In hard tumour in the eye-lids- after the injury of meibomian gland in the eye-lid. Patient is worse from bodily exertion -better by motion, pressure, in dark rooms.

 18. Condurango 3X, 6, 30

A head remedy in open cancer, cancerous ulcers or epithelial cancer of eye-lids, nose, tongue and lips- with burning pains and painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. In cancer of stomach with constant burning behind sternum due to cancer of oesophagus- along with vomiting of food- eaten. Induration of left side of upper abdomen. Complete loss of appetite, emaciation, constipation and cachectic look. In scirrhus mammae with swelling and induration of whole breast and painful swelling of axillary glands. Severe lancinating burning pains in breast- skin reddish purple, wrinkled or ulcerated with foetid sanious (bloody) discharge- due to much sloughing.
 19. Graphites-30. In early stages of cancer with stony hardness, swelling of breast along with cracked nipples and swelling of glands in armpits in early stages of keloid and fibroma-worse after bruise or contusion with stinging burning pains and roughness or dryness of skin.

 20. Euphorbium-3, 6

In all types Of cancer with violent burning pains, paralytic weakness in limbs and joints, burning pain in bones, great hunger, profuse salivation, water brash and thirst for cold water in old ulcers. Gangrene or ulcerated carcinoma and epithelioma of the skin with burning, stinging or lancinating burning pains.

 21. Hydrastis-Q, 3x, 6

In cancer of stomach, rectum with cutting lancinating pains - pain after cutting with knife- sharpened at both sides i.e.  stabbing pain) in the pit of stomach and rectum. Vomiting of all foods except water and milk. Defective nutrition, progressive emaciation, tongue coated white, yellow having teeth marks on its edges. Great distension, flatulence in stomach with digestive trouble.

 22. Hydrastis-Q + Phytolacca-Q + Thuja-Q

For internal use in the ratio 1:1:1, 5- 6 drops dose after meals and breakfast. It is most efficacious combination for all types of cancer in relieving the lancinating, stitching and burning pains with loss of appetite, constipation and other digestive troubles.

 23. Iodum. 30

In cancer of uterus with uterine haemorrhage during every stool and cutting pain in the abdomen. Pain in the back with leucorrhoea of yellow colour-but corrosive in nature. Great weakness debility and prostration, progress emaciation even after eating well.

 24. Kreosotum- 6X, 6, 30

In cancer of uterus with great burning in pelvis, as if red hot burning coal is kept in pelvis, with profuse discharge of clotted blood, of pungent or foul smell, preceded by pain in the back, burning and swelling of the external labia, worse at night, fainting on rising from the bed. She always feels chilly during menses, sleeplessness, with great debility. Great distension and tightness of abdomen and pit of stomach, can not bear the weight of her clothings, constipation, in uterine cancer, and epithelial cancer of nose.

 25. Lechesis-6, 30

After every 2-4 hours, in cancer of breast with lancinating, cutting, tearing, burning pains, breast cancer purplish in colour, in open fungoid cancer which bleeds easily, with dark decomposed blood, pain is ameliorated by bleeding. In colloid cancer of the stomach, the pit of stomach is very sensitive to touch, with gnawing pain, better by eating but return after few hours, in uterine cancer during manupause stage, pain increases rapidly until relieved by the start of profuse discharge of menses, violent pains like tearing by knife through abdomen, cough or sneezing causes stitches in affected parts, 

 26. Lapis-Alb. 6X

4 times a day in fibroid cancer, or in mammary or uterine cancer in scrofulous women, with great burning, shooting, stinging pains with profuse bleeding and glandular swelling, induration like hard' tumours.

 27. Phytolacca. Q, IX, 3X

In an undouted remedy for cancer, 0 he repeated after every 3-4 hours after meals. In scirrhus mammae, cancer of lips, and in cancerous ulcers. Phyto Q - Thuja-Q - Hydrast-Q 10 drops dose after meals and break fast or Phyto. Q - Gentian-Q - Hydrast-Q, repeated as said above.

 28. Silicea-30

In suppressed cancer, or in cancer of glands, bones, with thick, yellow, offensive discharge cold body, cold extremities, lack of vital heat in body, wants to sit in the sun or before fire to warm up the body in open cancer of anus discharges bloody pus with sharp stitches when walking.

 29. Thus-3X, 6X, 30

A specific remedy for cancer, of rectum, colon and cancer of uterus. In Epithelioma, with induration, and hypertrophy followed by softening. Sycosis warts having Cauliflower growth, cancer of uterus with Cauliflower growth, or in fungoid cancers after vaccination. In cancerous tumour and open cancer- with ulceration of anal edges- always discharging pus mixed with blood with great burning, pricking pains in the anus as if hot coal is kept in the anus, tearing pain in the anus during stooling. Cancerous open tumour, painful to touch and pressure. Be repeated after every 2 - 4 hours.

February 24, 2015

Homeopathic Remedies Cardiac Asthma

Homeopathic Treatment Cardiac Asthma

Homeopathic Treatment Cardiac Asthma
Cardiac Asthma occurs in those persons, who are having cardiac diseases, or when blood cells fail to carry away the oxygen from the lungs. In other words, blood in the lungs is not properly oxygenated or when there is lack of oxygenation in the lungs - such persons are said to be suffering from cardiac asthma with symptoms like great weakness, debility prostration, fluttering and palpitation of heart with dyspnoea after little motion or exertion.

Homeopathic Treatment Cardiac Asthma

 (1) Broncho-spasm or narrowing of the bronchi by muscular contraction.
 (2) Chronic or acute bronchitis.
 (3) Broncho-dilation-due to excessive use of allopathic drug" containing-ephedrine, which actually  dilate the bronchial tubes for easy passage of air.
 (4) Emphysema or chronic lingering, suppressed bronchitis or pneumonia in pulmonary emphysema,  the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs are enlarged, inflamed and damaged, which actually reduces the  surface area in the lungs for the exchange of oxygen and carbon - dioxide - gases. Here emphysema  causes breathlessness during chronic bronchitis or asthma.
 (5) Chain smoking and abuse of alcoholic drinks, .
 (6) The other causes or factors responsible for bronchial asthma are:- stress and strain - Producing  digestive problems, heredity and environmental factors etc.


 1. FP6X, CP3X, KP3x, NM3X, KM3X, KS3X, NS3X, 

 2-4 grains dose in cardiac asthma and may be  alternated with any indicated homoeo medicine.

 2. Aconite. 3, 6, 30 

In sudden attacks of bronchitis- after cold exposure, from chilly cold, or from  cold dry weather. Be used at first stage of bronchitis, pneumonia or pneumonitis- (inflammation of  the lung tissue) with dry tickling, hard painful cough, tight chest, anxiety, restlessness, rapid, hurried oppressed difficult breathing better by sitting erect-otherwise feels fear of death. In sudden attacks of bronchitis- after cold exposure, from chilly cold, or from cold dry weather. Be used at first stage of bronchitis, pneumonia or pneumonitis- (inflammation of the lung tissue) with dry tickling, hard painful cough, tight chest, anxiety, restlessness, rapid, hurried oppressed difficult breathing better by sitting erect-otherwise feels fear of death.

 3. Ambra. G. 6, 30

In cardiac asthma with cardiac symptoms - like palpitation and fluttering of heart, especially in nervous, thin scrawny (skelton like) women, difficult short, oppressed breathing, wheezing in the air tubes, and dyspnoea worse after little exertion, excitement. Asthma in children or old people with violent spasmodic cough, pressure in chest followed by eructations, due to much wind in stomach, asthma or asthmatic breathing from coition.

 4. Digitalis-6, 30

 In cardiac asthma havingf eeling of constriction in chest walls, sudden suppression of respiration, great anxiety, restlessness, no heat in body, low B.P.  cold sweating of body, better lying horizontally on bed. Chronic bronchitis with dyspnoea, fainting, sinking, palpitation and fluttering of heart-worse little walking, talking---dueto weak heart, Iceling of great weakness In chest, pulse weak slow, intermittent and is quickened after little movement. Heart would stop beating if he moved a little. Cardiac asthma with dropsical swelling.

 5. Digitalis-6 

In alternation with Convallaria-m. Q, 1X-3X, 5 drops dose after every 10-15 minutes in cardiac asthma with great weakness, debility, palpitation, fluttering of heart, dyspnoea after least exertion, motion, cardiac asthma developed after chain smoking of tobacco. Heart beating throughout the chest along with sensation as if heart has stopped beating and then started suddenly with rapid irregular pulse.

 6. Ibris-Q, 1X, 

5 drops in cardiac asthma with chocking in throat stitches in heart region. Tachycardia, pulse full irregular, intermittent, cardiac dyspnoea, palpitation, vertigo, worse in warm room, by slightest exertion by laughing, talking and coughing. Dropsy, enlarged heart, with soreness, fulness of liver, whole body sore, lame, and tremble. Cardiac debility after influenza, with asthmatic breathing, worse lying on left side.

 7. (i) Ibris- Q + Crataegus-Q + strophonthus-Q or
     (ii) lbris-Q + Crataegus- Q + Sumbul-Q 

In equal ratio, 5-10 drops dose in 3T. Spoons of cold water, after every 15-30 minutes during the attack 2 to 3 times during a day will give quick relief in cardiac asthma or asthmatic attack.

 8. Sumbul. Q IX, 3X, 

5-10 drops dose in luke warm water after every 3(1 minutes, 1-3hours in cardiac asthma with great dyspnoea, difficult breathing, patient gasps for breath after little exertion-motion. Pulse irregular, nervous palpitation with nuralgic pain in the left side of the chest, functional cardiac disorder with numbness, weariness and coldness of limbs and extremities of left side.

 9. Strophanthus-Q , 3X, 6, 

5- 10 drops dose in more acute cases of bronchial or cardiac asthma, be repeated 3 times a day. Patient is having great dyspnoea while ascending heights due to congestion and swelling of lungs, dropsical swelling on the joints. It is greater diuretic and safer for the aged. Be given safely in cardiac asthma of the smokers-drunkards, in arteriosclerosis, I. e, rigid hard arteries of old fat people, can be used in alternation with digitalis-6 in cases of dropsical swelling due to weak heart.

 10. Veratrum. alb. 6, 30, 200, 

In cardiac asthma with weak slow, feeble pulse, palpitation and fluttering of heart after little exertion and motion with cold sweat on face. in cardiac asthma of old people with cold blue face, cold extremities (i.e. , nose., ears, hands and feet) low B. P sinking and fainting of heart. Gastric derangements with loose stools, nausea, retching after meals and white coated tongue.

Atherosclerosis Causes Symptoms And Treatment

Atherosclerosis Causes Symptoms And Treatment

Atherosclerosis Causes Symptoms
Arteriosclerosis is the condition or change in which hardening of artery takes palce, generally during advancing or old age, causing hypertension.
 Primarily, it is thickening of the intima of artery (internal coat of artery), which is usually associated with some degree of Atheroma. (In atheroma, there is deposition of hard yellow palques of lipoid in the inter coat of the artery. Atheroma may be related to high level of cholesterol in the blood, or excessive consumption of refined sugar. Sometimes, atheroma in the artery appears like buttons or Indurated tumours).

Atherosclerosis Causes  And Treatment Causes.      

 Advancing or old age, hypertension, hereditary factors, rise of cholesterol in the blood, excessive deposition of fat in the body, diabetes etc. are the general causes. Besides these, toxins that generated by some diseases like gout, typhoid fever, rheumatism and by other factors like alcoholism, over eating, over working and excessive deposition of calcaria salts in the artery, are the other causes for arteriosclerosis, chronic nephritis is often followed by arteriosclerosis.


 1. Renal arterio-sclerosis, for example -atrophy of the kidneys.
 2. Peripheral arteriosclerosis - (arterio -sclerosis of arteries lying outside of the heart)
 3. Cerebral arteriosclerosis There is dizziness, ringing in the ear, intractable headache, vertigo, shuffling gait, tendency to lean backward, rigidity of muscles, loss of memory, mental confusion and incontinence of urine.
Atherosclerosis Causes Symptoms And Treatment

 Arteriosclerosis is the cause of high blood pressure, as there is thickening and hardening of arteries with narrow holes-which offer resistance in the flow of blood, in other words, blood passes with pressure exerting on the inner walls of blood vessels. If this pressure is noted high or low then it is said to be high or low blood pressure.


 1. FP6x, CP3x, NP3x, NS3x, KM3x

 4 grains dose in hot water for all types of arteriosclerosis:

 2. Arum. met. 6x, 30

In arteriosclerosis with violent pain in head, rapid, irregular weak, feeble pulse, sensation as if heart would stop beating or as if hot blood is passing in veins from head to extremities. Arterio-sclerosis due to syphilitic base in the family, patient is worse at night, be given for 2-4 months with gaps of 5-7 days.

 3. Baryta Mur, 3X; or, 30

In arteriosclerosis of old people with weakness debility, vertigo, - suffocative breathing after high blood pressure-of 200/120, ram. of mercury. Hard indurated, buttons like tumours along the length of artery, deafness, hardness of hearing, noises in ears, gone feeling at the pit of stomach with hot head.
 Bar-mur. 3x. 4grains dose in the morning and FP3x, KM3x, CP3x, NP3x, NS3x-4 grains dose in the evening. This treatment was repeated for about one years-with 10 days gap every month

 4. Baryta-carb. 30

Arteriosclerosis in old people, with high blood pressure, it acts best upon the inner coats of blood vessels or when they are distended, enlarged, dilated, (dilation or eneurysm) with fast pulse, palPitation, degeneration of brain and the nerves, resulting in weak memory, hardness of hearing, vertigo, noises in eares, glandular swelling constipation and frequent urging for urination.

 5. Crataegus. Q

5 drops in hot water, be used for long time in arteriosclerosis and degeneration of the hearts action and the power.

 6. Glon. 3X, 30

In arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, laborious, fluttering action of the heart with rush of blood to the heart after any little exertion -causing fainting spell. Throbbing sensation in arteries upto tips of fingers, throbbing, hammering headache with confusion, dizziness and vertigo. Headache worse heat, warmth of the sun, lying down on bed, better sitting up on bed, raising head over pillow or uncovering the head. Threatened apoplexy during raised blood pressure or during rush of blood to the head. Empty gone feeling in the stomach better by eating.

 7. Plumb. met. 30, 200

It is a useful remedy for the cure of arteriosclerosis, more useful in degenerative processes like atrophy of muscles, paralysis of the tissues and lower extremities, anaemia with deathly look of face, dilated veins of arms and legs. In arterial hypertension and in chronic interstitial nephritis (inflammation of the internal net work of the kidney, i.e.  more briefly, the inflammation of Nephron-it is a basic unit of the kidney, consisting of glome- rulus, bowman's capsule, convoluted tubules with loop of Henle-connecting them. This one unite, and other similar numerous units in kidney collect urine, which is further conveyed to the pelvis of the kidney for passing it out of the body.

 8. Secale. Cor. 3X. 30

In arteriosclerosis with stiffness of blood vessels, degeneration of heart walls causing great irritability in temperament, weak thin patient, with shriveled skin, thin scrawny (skelton like) old women, with cold body and numb extremities, but even then a patient can not tolerate any external warmth, better by cold air, cannot cover the body, as he feels great burning sensation in the body. Indurated, hard button like turners in various parts of the body.

 9. Strophanthus- 3X, 6X

In arteriosclerosis inflammation of the arteriole (a smallest artery leading into many small blood vessels, or capillaries) due to hypertension, or infection after injury.

Homeopathic Medicine For Frigidity

Homeopathic Medicine For Frigidity 

 It is a condition of sex coldness, in which there is lack of normal sexual desire and inability to reach orgasm (the climax of sexual excitement) in women. Frigidity may also be seen in men, but the term is mainly applied to women only.

Homeopathic Medicine For Frigidity

 Frigidity may be caused by a number of factors. For example, stress and strain, low blood pressure, chlorosis, emaciation, weakness, debility, lack of animal heat in the body, poor diet, etc. Moreover, physical pain during intercourse, due to vaginitis, vulvitis, vaginismus (painful muscular spasm of the vaginal walls), fear of becoming pregnant, illness, lethargy, poor sexual counselling, uterine troubles, i.e. , prolapsed uteri, ovaritis, metritis, endometritis, hysteralgia (pain in uterus), hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus due to fibroids or tumours) etc., also lead to frigidity.


 1. FP6X, CP6X, KP6X, NM6X

In frigidity due to low blood pressure, lack of animal (vital) heat in body, with great weakness, debility, prostration and cold extremities. It may be alternated with any one indicated homoeo medicines given below.

 Agnus castus6, 30

 Diminished sexual desire in women, with complete prostration, general debility, melancholy, apathy, sadness, scanty menses. and sterility. Women avoid copulation after abuse of sexual activities.

 Anacardium oriental 30, 200

 Frigidity with brain fag, absentmindedness, weak memory, lack of self-confidence, great nervousness, fear of becoming pregnant, scanty menses, nervous prostration, nervous dyspepsia, empty feeling in stomach better by eating, great prostration after coitus which makes her avoid further copulation.

 Berberis vulgaris30, 200

 Cutting, stitching pains in vagina during coition, vagina is painful to touch due to vaginismus or contraction of vaginal muscles, with pain extending down thighs. Ovarian pain, painful coition are factors for frigidity.
 Thirst and thirstlessness, hunger and loss of appetite. Gouty pains, urinary affections, haemorrhoids and stone in kidney are the other factors for frigidity. Patient is worse in motion, jar, standing, and in warmth.

 Cactus grandiflorus6, 30

 Frigidity due to vaginismus, low blood pressure, constriction in vagina, pain in uterus and ovaries which prevent coition. Patient is sad, ill-humoured, has anxiety and fear of death. Numbness and coldness of hands, restless legs; patient is better in open air.

 China officinalis30, 200

 Frigidity due to chlorosis, anaemia, weakness, debility, prostration with pain and heaviness in vagina and pelvis. Menses too early and too profuse with pain in limbs. Patient avoids any exertion, feels better in warmth.

 Damiana Ø

 10 drop dose, 6-hourly in sexual neurasthenia, impotency, frigidity or sexual debility with nervous prostration. Coldness of body with profuse, frequent, excessive flow of urine.

 Ferrum phosphoricum 6x, 30

 Pain in vagina during coition, vaginismus, vagina dry and hot, patient is worse in warm weather, better for cold application. Sexual desire diminished due to bearing-down pain in pelvis and vaginismus.

 Gelsemium sempervirens 30, 200

 Frigidity due to vaginismus, with nervous prostration, tired feeling, mental depression, slow weak pulse, heavy legs, apathy and muscular pains all over the body. Backache after coition and great debility, languor, irritability of mind next day. Patient wants to be left alone. Frigidity as bad effect from fright, fear and from her illness. Patient feels better in open air, from continued motion and stimulants. No thirst. 

 Helonias dioica 3x, 30

 Frigidity or sexual desire diminished with profound melancholy, mental depression but feels better when she is kept busy. Great debility, menses too frequent and too soon, foul smelling leucorrhoea, dragging down in pelvis, prolapsed feeling of uterus, great languor, prostration, and tired feeling in back. Frequent vaginitis, vulvitis with great itching, tenderness and soreness in the vaginal passage.

 Ignatia amara 30, 200

 Frigidity due to vaginismus. Sexual coldness in delicate, thin, slim women with sad, worried look of the face. Sexual desires are weak or diminished after grief, shock, disappointment, frustration and worry. Intense pain at the entrance of vagina during coition with burning heat. Patient is worse after coition, in the morning, from external warmth, better by eating.

 Natrium muriaticum 30, 200

 Frigidity due to vaginismus, or aversion to coition due to dryness of vagina. Patient is weak, chlorotic, and has palpitation after little exertion. She is worse in warmth, better in cool open air.

 Onosmodium virginianum 30

 Sexual desire completely gone, with acute pain in uterus, bearing down pains in pelvis, tired, numb feeling in legs, muscular weakness, worse warmth, motion, jar, better in cold air, from cold drinks and eating. Sexual nurasthenia, weariness, tiredness in legs.

 Sabal serrulata Ø,1x, 6

 General and sexual debility with languor, apathy and indifference. Neuralgic pains in head in feeble patients, with enuresis. Frigidity of young women, or in those who have aversion to coition. May be used for the treatment of neurotic women, i.e. , feeble women who have anxiety, mental depression, hysteria or neurosis. Ovarian pain after coition. Patient feels better in open air.

 Sepia officinalis 30

 Frigidity due to relaxation of muscles of pelvic organs bearing down pains in vagina as if everything would escape through it. Aversion to coition due to prolapsus of uterus and vaginal wall, or due to vaginismus, with pain in back, coldness of legs. Patient is worse in cold weather, better by warmth and hot applications.

 Staphisagria 30, 200

 Women avoid coition as vagina is very sensitive to touch, and coition becomes painful due to vaginismus. There is itching of prolapsed vagina and ovaralgia, or neuralgic pain in the ovarian region, with sinkinng feeling in the stomach. Patient feels better in warmth, after taking food, and rest at night. Patient prefers solitude.